Wednesday 18 July 2012

Pidgie the pigeon

Pidgie sat on my head!
My family has looked after a few injured or abandoned pigeons, but one of those pigeons became a special pet. We brung him home because he was thin, lost and on his own and could have easily been killed because he was sat in a car park. We kept him for about three months in a box. He slept in the box and in the day we let him fly around in about a 10 metre radius because he didn't want to go to far! After a good days exercise he went back in his box. The day we released him was sad because we would all miss him! We brung him to the same place we took him from, hoping he might remember a old ledge or place he used to sit. We haven't seen pidgie since, we hope thats because he has flown elsewhere for a new home. Here is a picture of him.                                                                                                                                                          

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