Tuesday 11 September 2012

Not an everyday thing...

This moring I woke up feeling ill because I have a horrible throat, then my mum came up and said that there was a 8ft python resting on our chimney pots! At first I thought I has not heard right, I thought maybe it wasn't a real snake but then I new everything. A man from a few houses down the road had let his python out to exercise in a room, it then pushed open the window and slithered across the roof tops to our house where it coiled on the chimney pots! The man stayed to watch the snake  incase it fell off the house or decided to go down the chimney, while he waited for help to come. Luckily, the snake stayed led on the pots basking in the sun, about a hour later a man with ladders arrived after the fire brigade and the RSPCA didn't come. The man that brung the ladders went up and secured the ladders onto our roof, then the snake owner came up and carried his python down safely.

The python the first time I saw him.

The python after being rescued from his little adventure.