Saturday 28 July 2012

My fossil

About 6 years ago, me and my family went to Kimmridge, Dorset. There, we went fossil hunting. We found lots of the spiral shaped fossils but not any others. The way to see good fossils is to choose a stone, drop it and hopefully it won't smash into really small pieces. I found a nice stone I dropped it on the floor and this is what I found...

The tail end of a fish! The piece of rock this fossil was in was larger than this so we broke it down so we could keep it. I keep safe in some draws because the scales flake off easily. I was very lucky to find this fossil because, with some research we found out that this fossil is upper jurassic! This means that this fish is millions of years old and it still has its scales! I hoping that maybe a dinosaur bit off his head for a snack but I don't think that actually happened!


A short video of a giraffe when I went to a zoo with our school.

The storm

I cant exactly remember when the storm took place, but I do know it was 2 to 3 weeks ago. It had the biggest lightning strikes I had ever seen, well what I can remember. I filmed the storm for about 10 minutes out of the window, then took pictures of the lightning from the video so I could see the actual strikes! Here are the pictures.

Friday 27 July 2012

Jasper and Jiji

Jiji the cat decided that Jasper's house would become his bed and they slept together for about 1 hour!

Wednesday 25 July 2012


I would love to do this so much! This is such a great video and such a lovely horse!

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Visit my friends blogs!

Blog of life
Burmese bengal kitten

The baby guinea pigs

These are the guinea pigs we are going to be selling soon.
The blonde male.
The chocolate and white female.

One side of the  male guinea...

The other side! Looks like a different guinea!

The Olympics

In the Olympics I am planning to watch all Equestrian, men's 100m dash, men's and woman's Pentathlon, Woman's floor exercise, beam, uneven bars, vault, men's horizontal bar, parallel bars, vault, pommel horse, floor exercise, cycling, swimming and all jumping events (triple jump ect.). Luckily I have a good time schedule to know when all the events are on! This is the first Olympics I have actually looked forward to seeing, before I thought it was all a bit boring. How wrong I was!

Monday 23 July 2012

The guinea pigs

My guinea pig enjoying here bath in the summer!
Altogether we have at the moment, 8 guinea pigs. My guinea pig is a texel called Fuzzy. Three of our guinea pigs are male, although 2 of them are babies. The male we use to breed with is called Rupert, he is a long-haired texel. He has fathered around 15 babies which have either kept or sold to a pet shop. At the moment we have three baby guinea pigs, they are all texels like their parents. We don't name the babies because we know that we won't be knowing them for to long, we just call them by their colour! The blonde one with a white stripe, is a male and we will soon be parting with, the chocolate one with a white patch, we want to keep but might have to sell and finally, the one that looks exactly like his mum. He is grey, blonde, black and brown and looks like a different guinea pig on each side!