Wednesday 22 August 2012

Our day out

Yesterday we all went to Holt country park and then to the beach. Jasper had a lovely time in the wood, sniffing about at trees and doing other doggy things. I spotted a massive slow worm coiled on the side of the path, he soon slithered away! There were some strange sculptures along the way like a stile which was two wooden men holding a rope. When we reached the car park we had some food at a bench while Jasper slept on the wood chip floor.

We then left to drive to the beach, but we stopped of at Burnham Market for a while. While me and my brother were waiting in the car at Burnham Market, it started to rain! Surprisingly we stil went to the beach. When we arrived it wasn't that wet and there was still lots of people there. We walked down the beach with Jasper to keep out of the way of the sun bathing people so Jasper could have a good run. While walking two large, boisterous dogs spotted Jasper in the distance pulled their peg out of the ground and charged towards him! As these dogs where tied together while being on the peg the other dog was really being pulled along! The owner came and got her dogs before anything happened though. When we got to a quiet part of the beach Jasper ran about. There were these large puddles about ankle deepness, I would have liked Jasper to run about in there because I think it would be fun to have a water dog, but Jasper is terrified of water! I tried to persuade him by going the other side and running about. I could see he wanted to come but just was too scared. Then my brother came over the other side and it was just too tempting for him, so he ran through the water over to us! We had a short time on the beach because it was getting late so we went home with a wet sandy dog.

The Slow worm
The stile sculpture.

The castle sculpture.

The wigwam sculpture

Jasper all worn out after the wood walk

Jasper at the beach
Jasper running after his splash in the puddle

Jasper running through the water for the first time!