Saturday 28 July 2012

My fossil

About 6 years ago, me and my family went to Kimmridge, Dorset. There, we went fossil hunting. We found lots of the spiral shaped fossils but not any others. The way to see good fossils is to choose a stone, drop it and hopefully it won't smash into really small pieces. I found a nice stone I dropped it on the floor and this is what I found...

The tail end of a fish! The piece of rock this fossil was in was larger than this so we broke it down so we could keep it. I keep safe in some draws because the scales flake off easily. I was very lucky to find this fossil because, with some research we found out that this fossil is upper jurassic! This means that this fish is millions of years old and it still has its scales! I hoping that maybe a dinosaur bit off his head for a snack but I don't think that actually happened!

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