Saturday 11 August 2012

Today's horse riding

Today is my riding lesson. As it is the holidays, nobody is really around for their lessons, so I had a half hour private lesson. At first I thought it wouldn't be as good because its only 1/2 hour but, it was the best lesson I have ever had!

I had my favourite teacher and I was riding the little black and white pony, Chequers. It felt strange being on my own because I never usually have private lessons. As a warm-up Louise said I could do whatever I wanted like trotting in shapes, going over the ground pole and cantering! I am never usually aloud to canter on these warm-ups because it would get to crowded with all the other horses there. I had 1 lap of really fast canter around the 40m by 20m school and a little hop over the ground pole at a canter.

After about 5 minutes of warm-up we started jumping! Louise warned me that he lands quite hard and would make a in-experienced jumper like me fly forwards! I started of by jumping only about knee hight then we got up to about waist height? I am not to sure about the heights because I wasn't paying attention to that, I having so much fun! I got used to the hard landings and found a good jumping position. After my lesson I un-tacked him and buckled up his rug and I got to put him in his stable.

I really want to have more private lessons even if they are only half an hour, I get so much done and I think I would be a better rider for it. I was a bit put of to begin with because I was on Chequers (he can be naughty!) and it was only half an hour and private, but it turned out to be the best lesson I ever had, and maybe one of the best days of my life! Here are some pictures.

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